Straight up: the Ignis might be from the future. Maybe the past? But a futuristic past. It’s a beautiful mystery that’s also a super compact SUV. Loaded with space and featuring the latest technologies in a retro-futuristic package, the Ignis isn’t for indecisive people; it’s for people who’ve decided they want everything.
Want something that stands out, but fits anywhere? Introducing the only ultra compact SUV. With bold distinctive styling and urban functionality, there’s nothing else like it on the planet. Drive it for yourself and see where it takes you.
Conventional knowledge says that a light, compact exterior means a smaller interior. But the Ignis is from a place where conventional knowledge doesn’t apply. Which is why you can have a compact SUV with a spacious, insanely comfortable, tech-loaded interior. See? So much for “knowing stuff”.
Practically must come at the cost of enjoyment, right? Wrong. That’s real non-Ignis driver thinking.
See, Ignis drivers know that compromise is an illusion created by people who have never driven the Ignis. If you want fuel-efficiency and performance, safety and power, then just, like, have it. Duh.
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*Five star ANCAP rating not applicable to GL model.